Through IPRO, the pipeline industry is dedicating resources to modernize its approach to resolving the industry’s unique, modern vulnerabilities.


International Pipelines Resilience Organization (IPRO)


To identify and address the gaps in pipeline cybersecurity preparation and outstanding digital challenges. Bring expertise to bear to fill a gap in the protection of modern pipeline operations. Prepare pipeline systems to meet a variety of digital challenges.



The IPRO will be established as an independent, non-profit business alliance to provide both oil and natural gas pipelines an effective collaborative mechanism for identifying and mitigating reliability risks to industry operations from cyber-attacks and any physical intrusions, extreme weather, or other threats and vulnerabilities. The IPRO’s work complements and reinforces, but does not replace, the regulatory improvements of PHMSA, the Department of Homeland Security, and the Electric Subsector Coordinating Council of NERC.



The IPRO will embark on this mission through open and methodical industry collaboration involving standard-setting, status assessments, innovative product development, deployment of advanced technology, stakeholder participation, and the education of the public and policy makers. This industry self-regulatory approach will help manage and reduce the risks of interruption to pipeline operations and thereby constrain the costs of operation and both the need for, and the burdens of regulation.